May 2024

I recently had a new and unfortunate experience: I entered a dog grooming parlour! Upon being instructed to “close the door, quick,” I was met by an animal the size of a brown bear, looking equally as menacing! In the adjacent grooming room, there were a couple of large, recently coiffured French Poodles. With theirContinue reading “May 2024”

February 2024

Despite having studied amenity horticulture, I don’t harbor a great passion for gardening. Nonetheless, I am happy to assist those who derive enjoyment from creating a colourful and attractive environment, and I acknowledge the commitment required to sustain such a space. Furthermore, I appreciate the seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables that nourish us. I findContinue reading “February 2024”

August 2023

Like many, I’m guilty of cultural appropriation, the timeless art of borrowing and misrepresenting cultures. I’ve played cowboys and Indians as a child. I’ve attempted to tell jokes with a “foreign” accent.  I’ve tried to portray characters from different countries on the stage.  I’ve laughed at performers like Andrew Sachs playing the clumsy Manuel inContinue reading “August 2023”

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